1st Year |
2nd Year |
1st Semester | 2nd Semester | 3rd Semester | 4th Semester |
4 courses 12 credits |
4 courses 12 credits |
4 courses 12 credits |
Option 1
2 courses
06 credits
+Term paper
( 3 credits)
Option 2
2 courses
06 credits
+Term paper
( 3 credits)
Total=18 months 45 credits |
Courses are numbered in two parts: first part with alphabets representing the centre-piece of the programme, and second part refers to the level of the course. Preparatory courses could be numbered at 100 levels, Core Courses at 500 levels and Elective Courses at 600 levels. Dissertation related courses are numbered 700 onward with the Dissertation itself as 799.
Grading/ Evaluation/Assessment
Student of the MPA programs of CSCD shall be evaluated in the following ways:
There will be four regular semesters in each programmes each semester spreading over 15 working weeks. Each credit hour means 10 classes of one and half hour each. Classes will be held on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. If necessary classes may be held on other days of the week. A class will usually be of 90 minutes duration. Seminars/workshops/debates will also be arranged at convenient times.
The programme emphasizes participatory methods of learning including preparation of case studies by students, field visits and interaction with experts and practitioners. Considering the diversity of the courses, this programme provides for a variety of teaching methods, such as lecture, discussion, panel session, debate, seminar, role-playing, case study, workshop, project/group work and research. The faculty while offering a course will carefully select the methods appropriate for it and lesson’s objectives. As most students are from active service, emphasis is given to methods that help students learn, engage in critical thinking and apply the knowledge in practice.
Special lectures on the issues of topical interest are organized from time to time in which reputed authorities/professionals are invited to lead the discussions.
Students are expected to maintain set standards in their academic work. They should take the requisite number of courses and maintain satisfactory grades. Students scoring a GPA below 2.5 in their first semester will be asked to withdraw from the program.
The respective teachers will design the course outline at the beginning of the semester and they will provide a copy of the course outline to each student. They will include the topics to be covered under the course and the valuation/grading policy for his/her course, in line with the approved syllabus. Based on the assessment policy he/she shall continuously evaluate performance of a student and award grades.
The grade in a course will be based on an overall evaluation of student’s performance throughout the semester in assignments, examinations, quizzes, term papers, project work, class participation and class attendance. The students will be evaluated on the basis of the following format.
Attendance | Group Work | Individual Assignment | Mid Term | Final Exam |
10% | 10% | 10% | 20% | 50% |
However, depending on nature of the course minor modifications can be made by the respective course teacher(s), provided it is incorporated in the course outline. Mid-term examinations and Final Examinations will be held on pre-announced dates. Numerical scores earned by students in tests, examinations, assignments will be accumulated and turned into letter grades at the end of the semester.
A student shall attend at least 75% of the classes held in a course. The course coordinator shall submit class attendance sheets to Principal/Vice Principal once in a week. However, a student may be allowed to appear in the final examination on payment of prescribed non-collegiate fee as may be fixed by the University of Dhaka from time to time for each course, if attendance is less than 75% but higher than 60%. Anybody whose attendance is less than 60% will not be allowed to seat in the final examination and will be deemed to have discontinued the course (s).